Why play Touch?

Why play Touch?

Besides the fact that Touch is simple and fun, this sport also has several advantages:

  • It's Fun & Social
    Meet people, have fun while staying active!
  • There is no Tackle
    So there is a low risk of injury.
  • Everyone can play together
    Men and women - and even families - can play together in Mixed competitions. Or separately in Men, Women, Boys and Girls competitions.
  • Accessible to all ages
    From young to 55 years and older! The dynamics of Touch is a fun and good way to stay fit.
  • Easy to learn
    The only skills you need are: Running, passing and catching.
  • It makes you fit without you even realizing it
    It is a fun cardio workout in a fun and social environment.
  • It is inclusive
    Different ages and genders can play together.
  • You can set goals for yourself
    If you want to play representative Touch or even at International level one day, you can work towards playing in Inter or National events. During International club tournaments and the Dutch team on stream (worldwide) if that's what you're interested in!

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